
Ed. That's it.


I'm Ed and I'm going to be blogging with A and L#######.
I am the Dark Guardian of the Chemical Cupboard and I taught L####### everything he knows.

That's all!




If you like this blog, then why don't you have a look at one of our others, EpicFish! Here is the link: http://epicfishwoot.blogspot.com/ Excelsior! A


Profile: L###### (if I told you the rest I'd have to kill you)

Codename: L###### (even the codename is secret) Fighting styles: False Ninja Flurry/Just as Planned/Retarded Munchkin Cringe/Real Ninja Hiding and the other SECRET style. Known Phrases: Sneak Attack! Well, that was unexpected. Just as planned. NOT AS PLANED! For the greater good Organisations: The Green Runners, The Tau Empire, Nonconformity FTW society (join us in rebellion!), The United States of Eurasia unification comittee, The conspiracy patrol. Some say he can do more than Protoman, he can find Waldo! Some say he has identified and categorised over 47 varieties of chainsaw-chucks. Some say he can manipulate narritivium at will, or at least would be able to if there was any in Roundworld. All we know is he occasionally says "Mwa ha ha. MWA ha-ha-ha. Everything is going to plan. How are you gentlemen !! All your base are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive make your time." and for all we know, in his secret lair may be chuckling away as THE NINJA BEHIND YOU SNEAK ATTACKS or some other amusing scenario brought about by his awesomeness.


Is it possible to get even more awesome than chainsaw-chucks?

Yes. Click on image for a larger view.

For the greater good, L


Hiya! Happy New Year everybody! Excelsior! A